Understanding Yourself & Others

  • Facilitator: Rev. Audrey Browne
  • Level: Certificate
  • Study time: 1-2 Days
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Our Learning Programmes:

  • CIMS
  • 1-2 Days
  • CAMS
  • 2 Years
  • MIP
  • 2 Years
  • CMDP
  • 2 Years
  • Joshua Programme
  • 3 years full-time/6-8 years part-time
  • Pentecostal Theological Seminary Certificate
  • 4 years part-time
  • European Theological Seminary Certificate
  • 3 Years full-time
Course overview
An introduction to the study of human personality and behaviour from a Christian perspective. The goal of such a study is to help the student to attain a better self-understanding and to gain a knowledge of the personality attributes of the individuals with whom he or she interacts.

After completing this course, you will be able to:
- Describe human personality and behaviour from a Christian perspective.

- Identify and discuss Erikson’s psychosocial development stages.

- Describe the issues of death and dying.

- Utilise the rules of conflict resolution.

- Identify and discuss the ten principles of productive ministry.

  • Zoom Session - (Live) View date in prospectus.
  • Video time: 4 hours 
  • Test
  • Certificate
  • Assignments ( Ministerial Candidates)
  • Exam ( Ministerial Candidates)
Live sessions are only available on the dates listed in the prospectus.

Meet the facilitator

Rev. Audrey Browne
MSc, BSc, Cert.Ed.

Audrey is a graduate of the Erdiston Teacher’s college in Barbados and the University of the West Indies. Her teaching career spans primary, secondary and adult education. She is very involved in the Prayer Ministry and Community Outreach Ministry work at her local Church, NTCG Northampton, College Street. Since completing the CIMS courses: ‘Understanding Yourself and Others’ and ‘Equipping People for Ministry’, she has developed a growing personal interest in improving her understanding of human behaviour in a religious/spiritual context and have consequently pursued advanced studies in the field. She has attained a MSc in Psychology of Religion at Glyndwr University of Wales.