Planting and Growing Healthy Churches

  • Facilitator: Bishop David Edwards 
  • Level: Certificate
  • Study time: 1-2 Days 
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Our Learning Programmes:

  • CIMS
  • 1-2 Days
  • CAMS
  • 2 Years
  • MIP
  • 2 Years
  • CMDP
  • 2 Years
  • Joshua Programme
  • 3 years full-time/6-8 years part-time
  • Pentecostal Theological Seminary Certificate
  • 4 years part-time
  • European Theological Seminary Certificate
  • 3 Years full-time
Course overview
A study of practical strategies for church planting in the theological framework of the Church of God. Attention is given to major strategies for evangelism such as networking, small groups, home visitation, cross-cultural, and media usage. The course also examines the characteristics of healthy, growing churches, with an emphasis on evangelism and renewal.

After completing this course, students will be able to:
- Discuss several practical strategies for church planting, including the following: (a) Networking, (b) Small groups, (c) Home visitation, (d) cross-cultural ministry, (e) media usage.

- Describe the profile of a church planter.

- Discuss the process of church growth, as well as the different kinds of growth.

- Describe how to grow the smaller church.

  • Zoom Session (Live) View date in prospectus.
  • Video time: 4 hours 
  • Test
  • Certificate
  • Assignments ( Ministerial Candidates)
  • Exam ( Ministerial Candidates)
Live sessions are only available on the dates listed in the prospectus.

Meet the facilitators 

Bishop David Edwards

David Edwards is an Ordained Minister in the New Testament Church of God (NTCG) and Senior Pastor at NTCG Edmonton. He has served as the Ecumenical Chaplain for Manchester Metropolitan University, Cheshire Campus and the Free Church Denominational Ecumenical Officer (DEO) for Churches Together in Cheshire. He also represents NTCG as a member of the Human Sexuality Panel for Churches Together in England - Charismatic and Pentecostal subgroup; and is a Trustee on the Board of United Christian Broadcasters (UCB), an international Christian broadcasting and media group.

Co-facilitator: Rev. Sandra Litchmore 
B. Ed Hons, QTS, SENDCO, Dip. Ed