A Journey Through the Old Testament

  • Facilitator: Bishop Tony Parry
  • Level: Certificate
  • Study time: 1 -2 days
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Our Learning Programmes:

  • CIMS
  • 1-2 Days
  • CAMS
  • 2 Years
  • MIP
  • 2 Years
  • CMDP
  • 2 Years
  • Joshua Programme
  • 3 Years full-time/6-8 years part-time
  • Pentecostal Theological Seminary Certificate
  • 4 Years part-time
  • European Theological Seminary Certificate
  • 3 Years full-time

Self-Paced session

Admin support

Exam fee included

Only pay £310 for both Old & New Testament 
Course overview

A review of the great themes of the Old Testament, including the
life of Israel, the kings, the prophets, and the development of the
kingdom of God in the Old Testament. This course includes a study of the origin of man as well as the origin and decline of the Jewish
nation. Consideration is also given to the poetry, wisdom literature,
and prophecy of the Old Testament.

After completing this course, you will be able to:

-Discuss creationism as described in the Old Testament and compare it to
other theories of creation.

-Identify and discuss the various major themes of the Old Testament, including the following: (a) Life of Israel; (b) Kings; (c) Prophets; and (d) Development of the kingdom of God.

-Describe the following aspects of the Jewish nation: (a) Origin; (b) Periods of Judges and Kings; (c) Decline; (d) Exile of the Jewish people; (e) Restoration of the Jewish nation; and (f) Spiritual implications and relevance to Christianity today.

-Identify and discuss the various genres of literature contained in the Old Testament, including the following: (a) Poetry; (b) Drama; (c) Wisdom literature; and (d) Prophecy.

What's included
  • Zoom Session (Live) View date in prospectus.
  • Video time: 4 hours 
  • Test 
  • Certificate
  • Assignments ( Ministerial Candidates)
  • Exam ( Ministerial Candidates)

Live sessions are only available on the dates listed in the prospectus.

Meet the facilitators 

Bishop Tony Parry
MA (Biblical Studies), MA, MBA, CMgr MCMI

Tony Parry brings over 20 years of pastoral ministry, his current assignment is as the Senior Pastor of NTCG Leeds and the District Bishop of the Leeds cluster of churches. Prior to entering full time ministry, he
served as a Children Services Manager for 13 years and an Accredited Chartered
Manager. Anthony enjoys working ecumenically where he can, and has served as an Ecumenical Canon of Bradford Cathedral since 2008 and is Deputy Convenor of the Churches Together in West Yorkshire. His ministry can be categorised as Christ centred and outward facing, and he enjoys developing others to achieve their potential.

Co-Facilitator: Rev. Delroy Henry